A Christian's Pocket Guide to Good Works and Rewards (Jones)
It appears at first that to talk of God "rewarding" us for good works is a little presumptuous on our part. How could anything we do be worthy of a reward? Thankfully God does not deal with us according to strict justice. He deals with us according to a grace which stretches so far as to even reward us for our efforts towards goodness.
Mark Jones is the Minister of Faith Reformed Presbyterian Church (PCA), Vancouver, Canada. He is married to Barbara and they have four children.
"The Bible's language about the necessity of obedience is full, wide, and consistent. In this brief but clear and edifying exploration of an idea embraced by the church from her very beginning, Dr. Jones has taken us a step beyond accuracy. He has shown us the way to love what we may have once feared." -- Mark A. Garcia ~ Pastor, Immanuel Orthodox Presbyterian Church & President and Lecturer in Scripture and Theology, Greystone Theological Institute, Coraopolis, Pennsylvania
"I'm grateful that Dr. Jones is on the case to help us reconsider God's promises to reward our good works done in Christ and the Spirit. Those who put in a little work and have ears to hear will be richly rewarded." - Jason B. Hood ~ Director of Advanced Urban ministerial Education, Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, Hamilton, Massachusetts